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If you're on this're looking for ways to save money.

I do NOT have all the answers...I do NOT know every corner to cut to get the best deal...but, I will look really hard and tell you everything that I find.  We all, for whatever reasons, are looking for ways to cut costs in certain areas...and I am excited to be able to help!

What about links to sites that have coupons directly on their website:

Now...let's look at some websites that have coupons on their sites as well as promotional code sites (like free shipping codes, % discount codes) is probably the BEST place to search for your coupons.  Here are a few more:

These are just a few of my favorite sites.  I think I'll have a daily recommendation where we can both go to new sites, review them, and decide if they make the LIST!

I hope that these sites help you save some $$$$$!




Coupon Chic Copyright © 2009 Summer cloud is Designed by Bie also edited by Haqieart