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Sales Tax Increase

As if we don't get shafted
enough in Nevada....
no double coupons, stinky
coupon inserts

(and I'm not even going to mention the school system, crime rate, or housing market...)
NOW...starting tomorrow, July 1st, we get a sales tax increase to 8.1%!!!

Are you kidding me?? Who in their right mind made that decision?? In a market where WE are still losing jobs, schools are cutting teachers, houses are undervalued by hundreds of thousands of dollars...sure, just tax us....where do you think we're going to pull it from?? (shoot...I have a few good ideas)


The Deal Fanatic on July 1, 2009 at 12:33 PM said...

What tha!!Do they not know what kind of financial state the world is in...CRAZY!! ;-)

Lindsay on July 2, 2009 at 1:12 PM said...

I guess we're just lucky that we still don't have to pay taxes on food at the grocery store, and state taxes. But still, this increase totally sucks!


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