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Medicine coupons

I know that Spring is approaching, and our kids colds will be gone...but, someone keeps forgetting to tell MY KIDS that!  So, my gift to you....links to coupon sites for the little ones battling fevers, allergies, or just a cold.

Here are some links to MUST have items to keep on hand for your little ones:

Pedialyte--Click HERE to register for a $1.50 coupon (a good one to double this week at Kmart)

Sudafed--Click HERE to get a few different Sudafed products

Claritin--Click HERE to get adult and children Claritin coupons (these are on sale at CVS)

Dimetapp--Click HERE to get $1.50 off Dimetapp for children

Tylenol--Click HERE for $1.00 off Tylenol (and also a link for $1.50 off Tylenol cold)

Motrin--Click HERE for $1.00 off any Motrin product

Robitussin--Click HERE for $2.00 off Robitussin

Orajel--Click HERE for a coupon for Orajel

Zyrtec--Click HERE for a "money back guarantee" form

Lysol--Spray them and their surroundings!  Click HERE for a $1.00 coupon or HERE for more!

Clorox wipes--Click HERE for Clorox wipes coupons




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