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Walgreens--Diabetes and You

While I was shopping at Walgreens, I had to pick up a few prescriptions....that's where I was flipping through the "Diabetes & You" magazine...and it has a few coupons you just might be interested in:

$2.00 off Benefiber
$1.50 off two Colgate Total toothpaste
$2.00 off Biotene (that's mouthwash, toothpaste)
$1.00 off Finest Natural Chromium Picolinate
(the ad for this one says it promotes healthy blood sugar, supposrts cardiovascular health, reduces food cravings, and fights weight gain....I gotta' get some of this!)
$2.00 off any Walgreens Ace bandage

Not only is it packed with the above coupons...but, it has interesting articles, recipes...and it's FREE!  Grab one at the pharmacy the next time you're shopping at Walgreens!




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