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MORE coupons to print

I know...I know..
time to refill your ink in the printer! are a few coupons you MIGHT want to print:
$1.50 off Kashi Cereal or Snack  IE or Firefox
$1.00 off 2 cans of Campbell Soup  IE or Firefox
(use this with Albertson's deals this week)
$1.00 off McCormick spice, herb, food coloring  IE or Firefox
$1.00 off Ajax  HERE 
(Target and Walmart are said to have these almost free)
$5.00 off Enfamil Formula  HERE the back button twice to print out TWO of each coupon 
(and then...go to another computer to print out more!)




Coupon Chic Copyright © 2009 Summer cloud is Designed by Bie also edited by Haqieart