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Tag Reading System at Target

I was just at Target...and found the BEST DEAL!
Leap Frog's Tag Reading System, reg. $49.99 was on clearance for $12.48~
Use the $10 coupon below...
and score it for only $2.48!!

Now...I had the most rude manager tell me that I couldn't
use my coupon for this because it wasn't the system. I had to show her
that indeed it was the system...just on clearance.
She would only allow me to purchase 1...
and I had my sister with me so she got one also.

I did get a few addition (because at $12.48...that's still an awesome price too)

SO...I will be emailing Target customer service about their coupon BEWARE~
(grumpy managers on duty)
Shame on you Target...shame on YOU!

NOW...please don't abuse these coupons. The manager said that they
had people coming in and trying to buy the books with the coupons.
(you know better than that couponers)

Click HERE to print your $10 off coupon for
the Tag Reading System...
$5.00 off the Tag Junior Book Pal

Good Luck!!

(you may want to call ahead and confirm if they've been
marked down yet and how many are in stock)




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