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Walgreens Scenario's what I snagged at Wags yesterday.

3 Theraflu
1 baby powder
1 Sheer Infusion Lotion
1 Halls Refresh drops
1Emergen C
1 Effects Chapstick
1 Herbal Essence Hair spray
1 Norelco trimmer

I paid OUT OF POCKET....$18.10
(I also had $20 in RR's that I needed to roll over)
but, got back...

$25.50 in register rewards's the thing.  I posted my shopping list HERE..
and I was suppose to be able to use the Walgreens coloring book coupon for
Theraful (taking off $6 total) beeped and she wouldn't let it go through..
that would have only been $12 oop.  (I also noticed the registers not taking that
Walgreens Theraful coupon when the kids was on, I"m wondering if they are not
honoring the Walgreens coupon when a RR is printing...has anyone else had this problem??)

I'm not complaining..ok, well....only a little.  Paying a little less would have been AWESOME!

NOW...did you notice my trimmer??

It was on clearance for $7.49!!  Keep your eye out for those if you are in need.

and..if you're lucky, maybe you had a coupon in the 8/16SS that might work...
making this trimmer FREE! more thing that I noticed while I was there:

These Scotch Brite cook top cleaners were on clearance for $2.19 (reg. $7.99)
and the refills were only $1.09.

Check your 9/20RP and see if you have a $0.75 Scotch brite coupon..
making these a VERY good deal!

**I've got to head out again today to pick up more meds for my babydoll...
but, also to pick up ink refills.  Make sure you print the $5 off $25 coupon from HERE
if you're going out today or tomorrow....
and I"ll be sure to let you know if I notice anything else!




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