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Herbal Essence Giveaway...TONIGHT...they promise!

So..have you become a fan of Herbal Essences yet??
do that FIRST...
Then, tonight at 11:30EST, they will release FREE coupons to
try their product.

Here's the latest info posted on their facebook page:

We apologize for the technical issues that have gotten in the way of the Herbal Essences Gorgeous Giveaway. While we've worked through the weekend, there are several issues taking longer than expected to resolve. We want this to be a good experi...ence for everyone so we're building in some of feedback we received. As a result, the event will now run 10/8 (11:30pm EST) through 10/12 (11:30pm EST). And because you’ve stuck with us, we’ve increased the number of coupons we’re giving away to 75,000 total (18,750 per day). Thanks again for your patience and understanding!

Herbal Essences Thanks everyone again for being patient! The Gorgeous Giveaway (75,000 coupons!) is indeed happening tonight starting at 11:30pm EST - we'll update the link closer to start time. As you're waiting - what are your suggestions for the grand prize/gift cards for our next sweeps?

 Good luck...and set your clocks!!





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