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This is ME Journal--Wholesale pricing!!

Have you seen the
"This is Me" journal???'s the cutest thing.  I'm sold...and now I need to pull out my
credit card and order mine!

I got this info straight from the website:
Help support moms with their own businesses...
i'm SOLD again!

When you buy more, you save!
This is Me journal 

Here's how the "Buy More & Save" program works. It's simple, really. The more journals you buy, the cheaper they get. If you buy enough, you basically get them for wholesale price. It's an unbeatable deal. And who doesn't love a good deal these days?

Here's the price breakdown:
1 or 2 - $18 (regular price)
3 or 4 - $17 each
5 or 6 - $15 each
7,8,9 - $13 each
10 or 11 - $11 each
12 or more - $10 each
(this is the KILLER deal)

How will you use this killer deal?

-Holiday gifts!
-Birthday gifts!
-Party favors!
-Place a group order!
(think playgroup, mom's club, preschool




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