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Menu Plan Monday

I hope that everyone had a TERRIFIC Christmas...I'm still rubbing my belly from ALL the food that was inhaled by yours truly!

NOW...darling hubby and I have decided that it's time to get our BUMS in gear and lose those extra 30 pounds that we BOTH need to lose.  And this really isn't about getting into the latest skinny jeans...but, our energy level is just so low, he's super stressed with work...and I think the boost in healthy eating and exercise will really help us both.

THUS, we're eating healthy this week...or, at least we're going to try:

Monday--Turkey and steamed veggies (I made a turkey this weekend and we're still polishing off leftovers)

Tuesday--300 Calorie Tortilla Soup (this is my first time with this recipe..but, it looks so yummy!)

Wednesday--I'm baking a Ham.  I snagged it at Von's last week at a great price.  I usually make homemade mac-n-cheese...but, eating healthy..I suppose we should just eat string beans and corn with it. (i'll let you know if i sustained from the mac-n-cheese)

Thursday--leftover ham...I'm thinking about this Potato-Ham Bake...looks easy enough and not too many ingredients...wish me luck!

Friday--We will be having date night IN HOUSE until further notice (just starting the new year saving some cash)..but, if I take some chicken breasts out of the freezer and cook them in the crock pot all day (so that they are SO tender)...then, I just might try making these Garlic & Herb Chicken Fajitas....they look too yummy!

If you need even MORE ideas...check out Organizing Junkie's blog HERE!


Bugaboo on December 29, 2009 at 9:02 AM said...

The 300 calorie tortilla soup sounds really good; I might have to try this one out too! Eating healthier is my goal as well, and if you want some great "eat better" ideas, try (in case you already haven't.) Good luck and thanks for sharing!


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