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Meal Plan Monday
It's another week...
and time to make that darn Menu Plan I suppose.

I went to Vons this weekend and they had half-glazed hams for only $9.00!
(I know..I'm suppose to be eating from my pantry...GOSH..I'm running out of ideas!)

Monday--Ham...yep...heating that baby up.  My hubby and I are really working on our weight, BUT...I still may  have to make home-made macaroni and cheese, green peas...oh, just a good ole' southern meal

Tuesday--Ham leftovers

Wednesday--FORCED Family Fun Night!  I thought I'd make homemade pizza with the boys.
They will probably NOT eat it...and want Papa Johns...BUT, they do enjoy working in the kitchen!

Thursday--Breakfast for dinner.  We're talking pancakes, eggs, grits, cereal, jelly toast....oh, I can see my bum and belly expanding!

Friday--Date night.  Is it possible that we're going to El Jefe's using our gift certificates??  We'll see how much I canNOT spend this week...
I'll let you know!

If you need even MORE ideas...check out Organizing Junkie's blog HERE!

Menu Planning Resource Pack


Aisling on January 18, 2010 at 4:32 AM said...

Oooh I love macaronis and cheese, ESPECIALLY the recipe I started using for it earlier this year, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


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