Tuesday...and I suppose I should report my progress.
Well...I have NOT finished making my 2010 goals.
I did NOT run on the treadmill today.
BUT...I also did NOT go shopping at any stores...not even to get $0.49 Cheerios (even though I had all my coupons printed out).
I am playing around on WordPress....SO addicting! I did work on physical therapy with my toddler ALL day long. I was a good wife and did laundry, cleaned the house, car pooled, and made dinner (ok, heated up leftovers...). BUT...all is well in our household.
I suppose I just need to make daily goals for myself...and we'll see if I'm better at accomplishing them that way. So, for Wednesday, I'd like to get the following checked off my list:
- Clean MY shower (you do NOT want to know how yucky that thing is!)
- Make a new tutu for my Etsy Store (shameless plug, but I do need to sell more ...hint, hint)
- Get my Christmas tutus OFF my Etsy Store
- Put all laundry away
- Call Home Health supply company for new equipment needs
- Mop the floor downstairs
- Stick to Menu Plan and make Chili for dinner
- Call about newspapers...which STILL have NOT been delivered
- Keep working on physical therapy with the cutest toddler EVER
- RUN on that darn treadmill
Woman, I am tired just reading that list....
Hope you had a fantastic day, and that you got it all accomplished, and then some!
My ONE MAIN GOAL tomorrow is to clean my darn refrigerator. Unfortunately, that's been my ONE MAIN GOAL for about two weeks now. Lol.
I think I can...
I think I can...
I think I can...
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