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Borders Spongebob Celebration July 18th

In celebration of the SpongeBob SquarePants' 10th Anniversary, Borders® and Waldenbooks® stores nationwide will host a "SpongeBob Day of Happiness" kids event July 18 beginning at 2 p.m. Stores have a number of activities planned for kids, which may include the following:

  • Storytime - Grab free samples of delicious beverages and treats from the Seattle's Best Coffee cafe located in most Borders superstores and then enjoy storytime featuring SpongeBob books as well as other entertaining stories. Treats to try include Peach FruitKula® and Peach Raspberry Cobbler Cake.
  • Trivia - In SpongeBob world, what are snails like? What is the name of Bikini Bottom's resident ghost? Kids will be challenged to answer these questions and more during SpongeBob trivia.
  • Games - Games will vary from store to store, but kids will have a great time engaging in a variety of SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward and Krusty Krab-inspired activities that are sure to get the arms and legs moving and the blood flowing!
  • Puppet Project - Kids can create their own SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward or Jellyfish puppets and take them on their own adventures.
  • "Day of Happiness" Parade - Pay tribute to SpongeBob and all of the smiles he's created by parading around the store with your special puppet in hand wishing everyone a happy day.

In addition to enjoying a variety of entertaining activities, fans can also look forward to receiving fun prizes and giveaways including ponchos, magnets, temporary tattoos and balloons. (Prizes and giveaways will vary by store.)

To find out if your local Borders or Waldenbooks store is hosting a "SpongeBob Day of Happiness" party, click HERE and then search under "events".




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