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$5.00 Luvs Coupon

Would you like a $5.00 coupon off Luvs diapers??
Well...wait until 12am, Sept. 15th (that's really early in the morning)..
and click HERE to sign up!
Do NOT sign up yet...wait until 9/15 or you'll only get a $1.00 coupon!
(I imagine these coupons will go, sign up as soon as you wake up!)
AND...go on over to Money Saving Mom's blog and she's got a 24 hour 
giveaway for a 3 month supply for Luvs diapers!
**and fyi...while you're on the Luvs site signing up for the coupon...
they're also running a "Diapers for a year" sweepstakes that you might
as well enter...and you can also read about their money back
guarantee if you don't like the diapers.




Coupon Chic Copyright © 2009 Summer cloud is Designed by Bie also edited by Haqieart