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Target--When do they markdown items?

Thanks to HotCouponWorld...
here's the markdown schedule for Target:
MONDAY -- Electronics, Kids Clothing, Stationery (Cards, GiftWrap, etc.)
TUESDAY -- Domestics, Women's Clothing, Pets, and Market (food items)
WEDNESDAY -- Men's Clothing, Toys, Health & Beauty, Lawn & Garden
THURSDAY -- House Wares, Lingerie, Shoes, Sporting Goods, Movies, Music, Books, Decor, Luggage
FRIDAY -- Auto, Cosmetics, Hardware, Jewelry
Now...I have to tell you.  I like to cruise the endcaps daily or every other day.
Sometimes they just throw things out and automatically
mark them down to 75% off 
( I know...I just snagged a tricycle for my niece for only $9.98!).
and I think it was only marked down because the box was a little beat up. score on the Guitar Hero deal HERE.  Gosh..
I watched those things at 50% for at least a month.  
I think they generally mark down every two weeks....
but, it's better to just check often if you have your eyes on a few items.
I hope this helps you in your future Target buys!
***shhh..I'll let you in on a secret.  I've got my eyes on these Disney Camcorders. 
They are priced right now at $39.99...but, that's only 50% off.
Let me know if you find them at 75% off...
and I'll let you know if I find them first!



The Deal Fanatic on September 14, 2009 at 9:17 PM said...

Yaaaa...excellent post! You are my favorite blogger :-)


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