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Trying to Make Money Thursdays!

What do you think about that??

My BFF at Deal Fanatic have been talking about doing daily posts...
and trying to be consistent at it.
Well...this is my FIRST time at consistency...and making
money is something I'd like to talk about regularly.
(if it's ok with you?)

This blog is about saving money...but, also needs to be
about how to make money, get out of debt...
and not WORRY about money AT ALL!

So...keeping that in mind...because we had Isaac, we had
 to sell our luxuries...and start buckling down
(having a 3+ million dollar baby isn't easy).
Although I have a degree in Finace (investing  and banking)...
I can't get an outside job (because I'd have to hire a nurse to take care
of my peanut).
THUS, I started making THESE.  In have a hobby and something
to get my mind off medical junk...but...also, to help
contribute to my families finances.
(remember...I still have a shopping problem)

I've decided to take all the monies that I make from my Etsy store..
and put that towards credit cards.  This weekend alone, I was able to put $300 towards
credit cards (now...that only puts a chip in it..but, it's a start).

SO...I'd like to start sharing other's talents, crafts, ways that YOU guys
can make money on the side.  If you have an Etsy store, a blog, a website...
even if you don't...but, you do make something and would like to sell it...
THIS is what I'd like to post about every week.  I think we should
ALL find our niche.  AND...we should help those that we know
also need help.
(and...if I get a good response...maybe I can feature a product everyday..
and not just on Thursdays)

My Feature today would by my sweet sister-on-law.
HERE is her Etsy Store.
and yes...THOSE are my adorable nieces in the pictures.
She has a Grand Opening Special right now...
FREE shipping for the first 10 pillowcase dresses sold.
Check out her products and let me know what you think. me at    2becouponchic at gmail dot com
if you're a crafter and like me to feature your product...
or leave a comment...

leave it on McKLinky:



The Deal Fanatic on September 23, 2009 at 10:31 PM said...

Can I just say how much I love that dress!
And the little cutie pie smiling is adorable too.

The Deal Fanatic on September 23, 2009 at 11:00 PM said...

Ahhh..I love your picture too! Your so freagin talented!!


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