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12 cans of Pepsi...only $1.00 at Target

I was at Target today...and noticed the 12 pack of cans were only $2.00!  Now...that's about as low as canned drinks go...BUT...if you use the $1.00 Target coupon'll snag yourself 12 cans for only $1.00!  ( know that Target has caught onto our printing ways...and now limits the number of coupons that we can print.  Time to visit those sweet neighbors and friends, and ask to use their computer!)

**Remember guys...this is the price for Las Vegas....check your local ad to find out what YOUR Target has them priced at! (prices good thru 12/24)


LaLa on December 23, 2009 at 5:56 PM said...

Thanks ma, even though I don't drink soda that much it will be nice to have for company!


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